downtown brighton in southeast michigan on a sunny summer day
Here’s How Brighton Streetscape is Affecting Events in 2023

February 23, 2023

Downtown Brighton has started the 11-month construction project to install new waterlines and revitalize the streetscape. The project is set to conclude at the end of 2023. While the construction is underway, parts of Main Street, Grand River, and other through roads will close at different times and phases throughout the fall. Once the water mains have been replaced, the city will narrow Main Street, widen sidewalks, and update a portion of Mill Pond park, road crossings, plantings, lighting, and other features.

As Main Street is under construction, the city’s favorite Downtown events will be postponed to 2024. Some events have been moved to Mt. Brighton such as Smokin’ Jazz & BBQ Blues Festival. New events have been added to the roster, also taking place at Mt. Brighton – Yellowstone Country Music Festival.

This Livingston Daily article breaks down current events information for the 2023 calendar year. Click the button below to read the full article.

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