Seedlings of deciduous trees. Pine tree in a pot. Thuja occidentalis Danica

Mayhew’s Tree Farm & Nursery

The Mayhew family started Mayhew’s Tree Farm and Nursery in 1989 on their farm in Fowlerville. Planting evergreens and shade trees on over 70 acres took time and patience but they received great pride in the end result.

The tree farm opened for business in 1996, serving wholesale and retail customers. Their goal was to give customers quality trees and nursery stock that they could count on year after year. Mayhew’s also harvests trees from other Michigan tree farmers, and purchases tree stock from as far as Oregon, always keeping the hardiness zone map in greenery product purchasing.

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Contact Hours
763 Fowlerville Rd
Fowlerville, MI 48836, USA
visit website

Spring Hours
9am-6pm Mon-Fri
9am-5pm Sat
11am-3pm Sun

Summer Hours
9am-5pm Mon-Fri
9am-4pm Sat
11am-2pm Sun

Fall Hours
9am-5pm Mon-Wed
9am-7pm Thur-Fri
9am-6pm Sat
11am-5pm Sun