Brighton Howell Area Social Districts
The Brighton Howell Area offers you two social districts where you can have an outdoor drink from local restaurants within the set common areas. You can purchase drinks at any establishment that has approved containers and a qualified licensee. The approved containers will have a logo with the city’s social logo and the logo of the establishment where the drink was purchased. Signage is provided to alert you to the boundaries. The two different social districts in Brighton and Howell have different rules.

The Brighton social district rules are as follows:
- The social district will be open from Monday to Sunday: 12 pm – 10 pm
- Alcoholic beverages not purchased from a social district-approved establishment is prohibited
- Alcoholic beverages purchased from qualified establishments and in approved containers can only be consumed and carried in the common area
- You may not bring alcoholic beverages into an establishment purchased from another establishment
- Possession of alcoholic beverages in the streets, parking lots, and railroad tracks is prohibited
- Street crossing is only allowed within crosswalks at intersections

The Howell social district rules are as follows:
- The social district will be open the whole week from 11 am – 10 pm
- Shots are not permitted – only beer, wine, and cocktails
- Outside alcohol is not permitted
- Bringing in an alcoholic beverage into an establishment purchased from another establishment is not permitted
- Some store merchants may allow you to bring drinks or may not, please be respectful of their wishes and their store